Monday, January 26, 2009

Jar Smuggler

Thank you all for the kind congrats and SBVs! Your support and excitement means a lot to me. :)

Every time I start taking this BFP for granted and making big plans, scary words pop into my head, or a random and brief pain comes to my attention - the kind I would have brushed off in the past.  Then, I assure myself that everything is probably just fine, but I really am better off taking things one day at a time for now. 

I'm feeling good, but tired. I haven't been sleeping well partly due to nightly flatulence. I'm damn lucky DH is a heavy sleeper LOL. Though some peppermint tea before bed last night really helped. I slept quite well, with no "interruptions". My BBs are on the sore and swolen side, according to DH, "They're new! :D"  No other symptoms.

The last bit of news for the day: I made my first Dr Appt!  Alas, it is two weeks away on the 9th in the early afternoon.  Apparently my first appointment is with a nurse, not my OB :(  . They also asked me to bring in some FMU. I have a ton of empty jars, so that won't be a problem. Though I never thought I'd be bringing something like that to work with me. A brown paper bag in the car seems like a good place for it to stay.  

So, now I have two weeks to decide what to tell my boss and coworkers. "Doctor's Appointment" is way too suspicious for someone with no health problems, who seldom gets sick, who has been openly trying for months. It IS my sister in law's birthday...  a last-minute shopping excuse could work, and I could take the second half of the day off and do just that.  I'm owed the hours.   *ponders*  


Mrs. Spit said...

I shrugged and said "yearly physical" and looked at the women and said "You know, that thing".

No one wants to ask more questions.

An appointment at the bank?

Anonymous said...

Tell them you're picking up a relative from the airport. Make up a ficticious relative if you have to... Tell them cousin Candi is coming to visit :)

To A T said...

I always opt for the calling in sick last minute routine... probably not the best idea but it usually works ;-)

Ophelia's idea is much more creative though... I vote for that one ;-)

Anonymous said...

I am such a bad liar, so I would have the same problem! I like Candi's idea, though. :)

*Brandi* said...

Congratulations on your BFP! I know how nerve racking the first few weeks can be. I got through it by talking to my little one and will her to stick. As for the excuse, I'm terrible with that. I normally just tell my boss (a male) that I have an appointment. He normally doesn't ask what kind or anything, once is a while I might get "Is everything ok?" Good luck! and thanks for stopping by my blog!