Sunday, March 2, 2008

Still Counting Days

In two weeks I will refill my extended cycle BCP prescription for the last time. In 17 days I will be done with school. In 18 days it will be the first day of spring. In a month and a couple of days it will be DH's birthday. Next is mom's birthday, then begins the reign of the health Nazi, then quitting birth control, then my birthday, then green light. For some strange reason I'm under the delusion that if I chop it up into bite-sized intervals it will go by faster.

I do have something new to say. DH agreed that we would use alternate means of birth control in June to give me a chance at a normal cycle for charting my temps. We are not fans of barriers, but I'm glad we'll be able to make due for a month. There's one tiny piece of the puzzle in place, that I can control. So, Independence Day will have a double meaning this year. :)

Of course the question remains, have we wasted the past 12 years of birth control?

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