Back to the grind, a week off will really cause the requests to stack up.
I've started playing my Yoga "game" on the DS. I also found a series of yoga for back pain videos online. I've quickly figured out that backward-bending positions are not for me. My lower back has always had issues, since I worked on my feet all day as a cashier for 3 years. I love when DH picks me up and my spine can hang and stretch. So, maybe some specialized regimes will help me out.
Other than that, I'm not dong anything special this cycle. No temps, no opks, no avoiding alcohol (until next week when I might O), no caffeine ban (though I've given up the hard stuff - coffee).
I'm not reading anything. I can't decide whether to buy & read the next Twilight book, finish a fantasy book that has been sitting on my shelf for years - I have read the first 10ish pages - or read Wicked which I bought for the trip but didn't get to. Hmmms.