Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Transmogrification Wardrobe Malfunction

All is well. I'm a bad blogger due to my cpu fan's untimely death. Recent hot temperatures have pushed my poor computer over the edge. Ninety degrees C makes electrons grumpy. So, I'm giving it a rest until a replacement cooler arrives from Amazon.

I'm having some unexpected difficulty adjusting to my changing shape. I was all prepared for my pants to become uncomfortable. I have belly band-type things (black and white). I have maternity pants washed and ready. However, I seriously neglected one vital part of my wardrobe... Most of my shirts and the majority of those I wear to work are too short. My belly is peeking out.

I always put my clothes out the night before, I wake up too darn early to put thought into such things. So, it wasn't until I was ready to leave that I noticed my naked belly was visible most of the way around. My jeans (a regular pair that have always been a little loose) fit just fine. I used by belly band to hide my peeking midsection. It seemed to work. I'll have to give more thought to my shirts though, maybe just get some long tank tops or camisoles to wear underneath.

My breasts are in a strange limbo state between A and B. I've always been in "Almost A" territory. Now I guess I'm almost B. My regular bras (small A) don't fit very well any longer, but Bs are too large. I don't want to buy any standard As because I figure they won't fit much longer. I did manage to find ONE barely B that will help get me by.

The moment I get home I assume a certain position some might consider uncouth... pants undone and hand low on my abdomen, feeling a little one flex some muscle. :)

Must post pictures soon. Must also post about my dream, wherein I gave birth to a roast chicken.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Free Tomato Seeds

Campbell's is giving away free tomato seeds if you type in a code from the bottom of one of their cans as part of their "Help Grow Your Soup" promotion:


Also, while there, you can click the Grow button and donate some seeds to the Plant a Row for the Hungry project!

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Much processing

At last, I have time to post about the ultrasound that took place on Monday.

DH, mom, and I arrived, and barely had to wait at all. I forked over $10 for the DVD while DH rolled his eyes. :P They put us in a nice large room, where DH and my mom had to take turns with the only guest chair.

The ultrasound tech came in and got started. She was extremely dry and all business. We were trying to have a lighthearted mood but she was not interested in the least. Though she was very considerate, and let me use the bathroom after getting a good fix on the position and some measurements, and again later as my bladder filled.

She spent a LONG time on the nose/mouth area. I was almost concerned there was a problem but I didn't see anything obvious. We saw many wonderful important things, a definite spine, brain structures, kidneys, stomach, heart, clear bones in arms and legs. Everything seemed in place (though I get the sense she wouldn't have said a word if something was off).

She was absolutely silent on the subject of gender, didn't even ask if we wanted to know or not. Eventually, about halfway through, I asked and she said she'd take a look at the end. I understand that it is NOT an important thing she's supposed to document, and has little to no medical relevance. But, seriously, can she not know that people are interested and excited? Somehow I thought she'd be asking us if we wanted to know, and upping the suspense throughout the scan. Anyway, at last she zoomed in to the proper area and pointed out what looked like labia to her. :)

I received two pictures. The profile posted below is a head shot only, taken from the side, with nose pointing straight up. The pink bow on the forehead is, of course, artistic license. :) The other picture I received was a nose/mouth. I've grabbed a few other still shots from the DVD. I'm so happy I have it!

So, I am processing this wonderful news (it would have been wonderful either way of course), as well as a very very special honor I received at work yesterday. Maybe I'll post more about that later, but I do have the best boss in the whole world.

Monday, May 4, 2009



Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ultrasound Dreams

I had a dream last night that both my mother and MIL came with us to the ultrasound. They were both being pushy trying to get me in before I was even called, including barging up a flight of stairs to drag me in! Only my mom and DH are coming with me.

So, now's the time to make predictions ahead of Monday's appointment: boy, girl, or cannot be determined at the time?

My thoughts: I'm "feeling" girl and we're hoping girl, but I'm trying to ignore all of that because I know I'll be overjoyed with either variety of healthy human. Also, I had a dream about a baby girl in a carseat just before I received my BFP. A few weeks later though, I had a dream that I had a penis (?!?!) which could be a boy omen. Because, I guess if I'm carrying a boy then I do have one right now in a sense... hee hee.

DH says he's going to be skeptical and take it with a grain of salt no matter what. He doesn't have high opinions about ultrasound accuracy for gender predictions. I'm urging him to wait until he sees what's on the screen. Who knows, maybe it will be obvious!

Everyone at work is hoping girl except for my bossman, who hopes boy. They are all going to be waiting anxiously for an update. I have a mini-blog I posted for people at work to see, so I'll update that for them when I know. Of course I'll also post here. :)

Now, I need to get out and start my garden day!