Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ultrasound Dreams

I had a dream last night that both my mother and MIL came with us to the ultrasound. They were both being pushy trying to get me in before I was even called, including barging up a flight of stairs to drag me in! Only my mom and DH are coming with me.

So, now's the time to make predictions ahead of Monday's appointment: boy, girl, or cannot be determined at the time?

My thoughts: I'm "feeling" girl and we're hoping girl, but I'm trying to ignore all of that because I know I'll be overjoyed with either variety of healthy human. Also, I had a dream about a baby girl in a carseat just before I received my BFP. A few weeks later though, I had a dream that I had a penis (?!?!) which could be a boy omen. Because, I guess if I'm carrying a boy then I do have one right now in a sense... hee hee.

DH says he's going to be skeptical and take it with a grain of salt no matter what. He doesn't have high opinions about ultrasound accuracy for gender predictions. I'm urging him to wait until he sees what's on the screen. Who knows, maybe it will be obvious!

Everyone at work is hoping girl except for my bossman, who hopes boy. They are all going to be waiting anxiously for an update. I have a mini-blog I posted for people at work to see, so I'll update that for them when I know. Of course I'll also post here. :)

Now, I need to get out and start my garden day!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait for today's results!!!!

To A T said...

I can't wait to hear what your little bean is!!! My guess is girl :) Let us know ASAP!!!