Friday, April 25, 2008

Can has friendz?

I'm going to the compost fair tomorrow - alone. I have no friends. Well, I have friends, but those who share my interests have no time and those have have time do not share my interests. Admittedly, it takes a special kind of gal to get excited about decaying matter and worm castings.

The fact that I don't seem to have much of a village has started to bug me lately. DH could not care less. If a highly selective pathogen wiped every soul off of the planet aside from himself and I, I'm not sure he'd care. He might miss the people at the fast food windows though...

I, on the other hand, am a strange kind of closet extrovert. I love to be social, but usually someone has to invite me out. It takes a lot for me to gear up the will to ask someone to do something with me, and lately, when I've done so, it just hasn't panned out. Bummer.

I thought about joining the local UU church, or getting more involved in politics, or... *shrug* Surely there's a social network out there somewhere IRL with my name on it. But, I have yet to find it. I'm willing to give of myself, and be supportive to others, and not even ask much but the opportunity for companionship. Surely some group out there wants me?

So, what does that have to do with the subject matter at the top of this blog? I'm thinking mommyhood might just be the ticket. From the outside, it seems to me that women with similar aged kids have an instant interest in common, an automagical camaraderie. Maybe that's why I've spent so much time surfing infertility blogs. Though I can't know what it is like to be them in any way, I feel a kinship with their desire to be a mother. Maybe, just maybe, motherhood will be my ticket to membership. Prenatal yoga? Parenting classes? Due date clubs? Is that where my social circle will be found?

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