Sunday, May 18, 2008

The other kind of two week wait...

I have two weeks left of birth control pills. Actually, I have more than that, but according to my maths the best time to quit taking them is in two weeks. I have ordered my basal body thermometer and I plan on charting for one cycle before officially TTC. DH may throw a stitch into my plans. He has never been fond of barrier methods, or abstaining, or pretty much anything aside from the pill. So, we might do the old P&P.

After my first hormone-free cycle in ~10 years we'll start trying in earnest. Note to self: remember to buy some pre-seed. Getting pregnant in August would be even better than July, but I thought it would be good to have a buffer month just in case something is less than ideal. I know, I'm over-planning. A child will cure me of it someday, I'm sure. But, I'm hoping that I can hang on to my favorite personality flaw at least until he/she is born. :)

In slightly less fertility-related news, I'm thinking about taking a belly dancing class. Its only $31, and it will give me a chance to stay in shape and appreciate my belly as-is. Perhaps after that I'll take yoga, maybe prenatal yoga. I'm wondering when yoga starts needing to be prenatal... Ideally, I'd be somewhat comfortable with traditional yoga before going all prenatal, though I know some prenatal yoga classes are for total n00bs, I think I would feel more comfortable that way. Perhaps I'll just pick up a video, or that "Let's do yoga" game for the DS. Scratch that, I already have the Wii Fit on pre-order, and I know it comes with a yoga "game", so I'll see what that can do for me first. If I still want lots of yoga stuff, I'll ask for it for my birthday.

30 on June 22nd... but that's a topic for another post!

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