Thursday, April 16, 2009

Baby Exposure

I went to visit my friend from High School yesterday after work. We haven't kept in touch very frequently. Occasionally I get a wild hair and try to change that, then one or both of us drifts again.

She just had a baby in March, the little girl is 5 weeks now. I stopped by, bringing hot drinks, held the baby, and we chatted for ~3 hours. It was great on many levels, for both of us if I may be so bold to assume. I was a very interested audience as she talked about the trials of pregnancy and early parenthood.

Baby J is adorable, though I am pretty sure now that I am not a "baby" woman. When TTC I definitely looked upon them with envy, and thought they were cute enough most of the time. I have also had many daydreams involving holding MY baby. But, I have never really squealed and begged to hold anyone's baby. In fact, I usually dodged games of pass the baby, for fear I'd do something wrong. Holding baby J was nice, but I passed her back to momma when my arms were a little tired, though she seemed to be dozing rather peacefully.

I've always been more likely to engage toddlers and preschoolers. Witnessing and participating in their emerging personhood truly amazes me and draws me in. They are so eager for exposure to new things... I could spend hours with a tyke one-on-one, and the fewer toys the better. Give me a piece of paper and markers, some blocks, or just the natural world, and we'd have a blast.

One image that sticks with me about my visit with M and baby J... One thing I really loved seeing... is when her DH came home and was holding and playing with the baby. Seeing DH with our baby, should the fates allow, would overflow my heart.

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