Saturday, June 13, 2009

Make way for belly

I think I had my first random stranger notice and comment last week, a cashier. She asked me when I was due. But, my O'Douls purchase did act as supporting evidence. :p

This weekend I will write all of my thank-yous and sort baby stuff. Twill be fun. I will also hang out with an old friend at some point. We were inseperable from kindergarten to 5th grade, but slowly drifted apart after I moved to the other side of town. We've been trying to get back in touch off and on for a couple of years. She's been busy with school and is graduating this weekend, I think she's going on to grad school.

She had a necessary operation as a teen and will never have biological children. When I told her I was pg, I was being super sensitive. But, she has shrugged off my concerns for the most part, and responded only with great enthusiasm. I guess she's had a couple of decades to process it. I still want to be thoughtful though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such a good person to be so sensitive of your friend's feelings. :) And I love the new belly pic!