Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Test results tomorrow

I'm taking tomorrow off from work. My doctor's appointment is at 10:45am, right smack in the middle of my day. I have the most flexible boss on the planet so I'll just make up the day next month.

I'm supposed to have between July 10th and August 6th off, but I never actually get my full summer break. There is always a project that they pay me extra for. The project hasn't truly started just yet so I might as well work the day in a week or two and save them the money.

Hopefully I'll find that I passed my glucose tolerance test. I don't see a specific reason why I shouldn't, except maybe the history of diabetes that runs hot and heavy on my mother's side. My body type leans more toward my paternal side though.

I'm starting to get antsy about nursery preparations. DH has not been very energetic when it comes to starting any of the projects that need starting. Unfortunately he's a very "into pressure" person. When pushed... he pushes back with a vengeance. So, I have to be creative about bringing things up, and making him think its his idea. He never feels the same sense of urgency about anything as I do.

Ultimately, the LO will sleep next to our bed for a month or two anyway, so in the grand scheme a 100% completed nursery is not a big deal. Except it feels like it is! When would we have time after she's here anyway? 87 days... so long and so short all at the same time.


Tiffany said...

have you thought of any names yet?

Anonymous said...

How was the appointment? I hope it went well!