Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dearest DH

Don't tell him I said this, but it is kinda cute how honest, open, and non-angsty he is about telling anyone and everyone about our plans to take a stab at combining our DNA. He even told his sister our name for a girl!

I am way less open about all of this than he is. I can see it now, 8 months down the road.... I get a positive pee stick and he wants to tell the world while I want to wait until my 12wk ultrasound.
I guess my time on the net haunting all manner of pregnancy blogs has made me cautious.

But, I'm getting ahead of ourselves. I won't know for several more months if its going to be as easy as all that. Some of the ladies at work (who all have a bit of a maternal bent where I'm concerned) were talking about worry and how it changes but never ends. I think I have the worrying part down pat. Right now I'm worrying if we can conceive without too much intervention. Then I'll worry about how the berry* is doing. Then I'll worry about how the berry is born. Then I'll worry about breastfeeding... Yep, a lifetime of worry awaits me and I'm signing up for it wholeheartedly!

*berry: this is the name of our unconceived child. I feel it can be gender neutral, and has a small cute sound to it. However, I don't think I'll put caps on it typically, it will just be berry.

I think I'm changing the name of this blog to preconceived notions. :)

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