Sunday, January 13, 2008


I am taking a fitness class online. The workout logs are on the honor system, but I'm finding myself tempted to be less than honorable. My log for this past week is due today. It was a tough week last week, and several factors combined to cause me to not exactly work out as much as I planned. I don't have to turn in a workout log this week, it is every other week. So, should I....

1. Be completely honest and put more time in on the next workout log so it doesn't impact my grade

2. Be mostly honest but count workout time for some activities that aren't exactly approved even though I worked my arse off and was sore as a result. This would mean I have less time to make up on the next log.


3. Fib and forget the guilt. This is the last required class I need for my AA. I'm a reasonably healthy low-bmi person with a commitment to fitness that just didn't pan out last week.

DH is firmly advocating for #3, but he's biased. The time I spend working out is time I'm not spending with him or making meals etc.

What would I want my future child to do?

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