Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Long Wait, No Worries

I was in for my appointment today, I'll finally be hitting the 3rd trimester this weekend! Its a good thing I decided to take the day off work, because the wait was excruciating.

*start Dr office vent*

First, I was running late getting out of the house. I had also totally spaced getting a FMU sample, then I couldn't even find the cup. Cripes! I scrambled around the house looking everywhere before I finally gave up and rushed out the door.

I arrived five minutes late only to find that appointments were running 30-45 minutes late. And, of course, because *I* was in such a hurry to get my butt to the appointment I had neglected to bring my book or mp3/radio player. Though that did give me plenty of time to provide the sample I'd neglected to bring.

There were a couple of little boys in the office that were cute for a while, until it became a constant stream of parents telling them not to stand/touch/speak/move/etc with no tools on hand to distract or entertain them. Now, as a FTM I'm not about to start giving parenting advice BUT... If I ever bring my child(ren) somewhere and make them wait forever without having some sort of entertainment on hand then I give all onlookers every right to make ranty posts about me online, and complain about me to their spouses/friends/relatives. :)

Eventually (after a painful game of solitaire on my tiny phone screen) the nurse called me, did the basic stuff, then left me in another waiting room. There, I found a magazine, and realized I must be getting REALLY hungry when the advertizement for dog biscuits made my mouth water. Everyone was quite apologetic though, and the nurse gave me a free sample: formula that I hope not to need, but wrapped in a rather nice changing pad.

I think I finally saw the Dr. an hour and 15 minutes after my original appointment time.

*end vent*

The good news is, there is not much to say. I passed the glucose test, 147 heartbeat, measured me but made no comment, and said not to worry about the mole on my chest under my right breast (which seems to get darker and ulgier every day, but that could just be my perception :p).

After the appointment I treated myself with a little bit of shopping (new larger underwear *smirk*) and a carwash.

I hope my next appt in 3 weeks is just as normal, but without the wait!


To A T said...

Glad your appt went well other than the hellishly long wait! Eek! Yay for passing the GS test though ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yay for passing the test!! I can't believe you are moving into the 3T. Wow, time flies!!


Anonymous said...

Why must doctors always make you wait? Especially for the important appointments! Glad everything went well, and Katie is right--time is really flying by. :)