Thursday, July 9, 2009

Waddling Along

I've really grown lately, see:

In other news, we had our first "Prepared Childbirth" a.k.a. Lamaze class on Tuesday. It was a little long, and didn't contain much new info for a net-loving content-siphon like myself. They stopped the birth video before the cesarean part because we "weren't ready for that yet" (I've watched a few on YouTube).

I think hubby learned a bit, and I did need the reminder to exercise and drink plenty of water. Later on I know I'll benefit from the practice breathing/relaxing sessions, if only I let myself get into them and truly practice, instead of just giggling and feeling ridiculous. I'm not good at public vocalizations unless I'm in a teaching role.

The most reassuring thing was hearing about our particular hospital. I've been reading a TON of OB Nursing blogs, hearing all of the complaints and horror stories about interventions pushed on women in vulnerable positions. Yet, the nurse giving our class had nothing but wonderful things to say about our hospital. She says the reason why their cesarean rates are so low is because they have a doctor in the building at ALL times. So, the doc "on call" is actually sleeping there, cutting down on uncertainty and preemptive measures for everyone.

I have a post stewing about labor, delivery, birth plans, etc. It isn't ready yet though. I also have a stack of birthing books about 6 deep now (I recently rediscovered the public library! They even ship books to my local branch and hold them for me!). But, I need to finish reading the China Study first. :)


To A T said...

I still haven't even signed up for a class yet! Ack! Is that bad? ;-)

What do you think of The China Study so far?

YOu have most CERTAINLY popped out a bit more in the last 4 weeks too! Cute belly!!

Anonymous said...

Your baby belly is sooo cute!! :-)

After reading all the things you are thinking about and researching..I feel a little overwhelmed! Gah! I don't even know when I'm supposed to SIGN UP for the childbirth class at the hospital. Yeesh, I have so much to learn!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the growing belly. So adorable! And those birthing videos scare me. I know what's coming. I do NOT want to see it in advance! :)