Sunday, September 28, 2008

Regularly scheduled reality

If I knew what I know now, I would've ditched the pill 4 months earlier. But, if I had I'd probably get pregnant straight away, so its a silly train of thought.

I know its nothing really, 80% conceive within the first year, 20% chance each cycle, etc. Though when DH said I might hit my window, just one year later than expected, I wanted to say uncharitable things to him.  Originally I wanted to be a mom before 30. We got to a late start, so I figured if I gave birth while still 30 that would work. That won't happen now.  Hmf.

I just usually have a plan and some action I can take to get where I'd like to go. Not so now.  In fact, maybe changing my routines, my diet, etc. may be doing more harm than good.  Or, maybe none of it matters one way or the other.  Who knows!  I'm just going to forget about it until the 2ww. We BD quite enough so I really have nothing to worry about in the timing department.

The saving grace is I have plenty of other things to occupy my time. Work, preparing for conference, preparing for certification exam, a slew of fall yard work which will likely go undone again this year, Mario Kart Wii, and Twilight. I've been reading it each twilight, and its good thus far. I like fantasy and sci-fi, though I'm a little skeptical of the well-worn theme that has come up.  I'll reserve judgment though. :)


To A T said...

I completely understand you dissappointment at not having your child before you are 30. :( I had visions of myself having had all my kids by the time I was 25... maybe 27 at the latest. (I know... way too young huh? lol) well here I am 27 and STILL TTC with no babies. :(

We will get there though! I agree, fall brings a lot of things to keep you busy. And then the holidays are just around the corner (although I really hope that you get preggo before the holidays!)
Glad to hear you are liking Twilight so far :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry :( It never seems like life never works out the way we plan it. I wanted to have a baby by 27 and I'll be 27 in November so I know that's not happening. I've given up on planning. I've focused my energy on things other than TTC. It's the only thing I can do to keep me from going insane.

Jody Donnelly said...

I am 27 and have also been trying for three years, who knows, I might also pass 30 before I am pregnant, aargh