Thursday, June 26, 2008


They always tell young girls that the pull-out method is *not* a wise, effective, or reliable means of birth control. Well, I may just be living proof. I have a suspicious temperature dip accompanied by cramps and spotting followed by a major temp hike. Could it be???

I bought 5 early tests just to be sure. I just know I'm getting my hopes up like crazy on a subconscious level... But, consciously, the following two outcomes seem equally likely:

1. Aunt flow and alcohol binge! :D
2. BFP :D

I think I can make my peace with either one. I have been making peace with each of them alternately ALL DAY LONG. Just when I think I've settled on one, my beloved personal devil's advocate (also known as DH) tells me exactly WHY I cannot possibly be pregnant... or not...

I can't get my mind off of it, and going to a family reunion which will be full of pointed questions won't help matters. If asked when we're having kids, I'll say we're working on it. If asked if I'm pregnant, I'll say we're working on it. I really wish I could drink at the family reunion...

Alas, CD 23 7 DPO. WAY to early for my cheap expired pregnancy test purchased when I was late years and years ago. I'll POAS when my early test sticks arrive next week. Until then, the pendulum shall swing!

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