Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I started spotting yesterday, it was quite the surprise. Crampiness followed. All indications were that AF was making an apperance, but I kept the info to myself. I did not divulge it to DH or even unto fertility friend, as if by not charting it I could make it less real. Alas, the onward march of biology would not be denied. Needless to say I stopped off at the liquor store on the way home (I always love how they analyze my ID, I can always see the gears turning... "No way is this girl 30").

Thoughts of TTC and fertility were replaced by thoughts of rum and coke as I completed the drive home. I waltzed up to the mailbox, fantasizing about making DH my personal bartender, and removed the offensive orange envelope. A Gerber Life Insurance Company was offering me a "Free Personalized Certificate of Welcome for Your Child." *slaps forehead*

I've received these stupid offers before, but they never irked me until today. If only I had a fireplace in which to give it a proper send off...


lub said...

Ughh- I hate cd 1. DH and I would "celebrate" AF each month by going to the liquor store. (ICLW)

kateypie35 said...

Ick, CD1 is the suckiest. Sorry. But Rum and Coke is yummy! So, thats something, right? Sigh.


Rela Pantaleon said...

Sorry to hear BFN.

I'm scanning your blog for your history - are doing it naturally?

Arpee @ The Saga of Becoming Fruitful

Anonymous said...

Sorry she showed hun :(