Saturday, August 2, 2008

CD4 Timelines, Control

Yesterday I was talking to my mom on the phone, she said my aunt asked if I was pregnant. My mom said I wasn't. Then my Aunt mentioned that I was missing my "window". What window is this? The window of my mother's birthday in April. I mentioned at my mom's 50th birthday party that I could make her a grandma for her next birthday. But, it looks like it will be a little late now.

That's fine, that was the *earliest* possible timing that worked for work. But, May is actually better.

I'm trying to relax, but it isn't easy. Part of me is going slightly nuts because I have so little control. One minute I feel edgy because DH wants to have food fried in trans fat (yes, he is specific about wanting the "bad oil") for dinner this week. The next minute, I'm all "Who cares!" and "Yes, I'd like another glass of wine." Then, I'm worried about my low BMI, and concerned that I had a light early dinner. I make plans to consume more full fat dairy. I wish my brain would just lay off.

Part of the problem is, I don't have much else to occupy my time at the moment. Reading, the internet, video/computer games, gardening, time with DH. I bet the situation will improve muchly when I go back to work. Speaking of which, I'm going to go back in early to finish my project. Monday I'll have somewhere to go each day, and I'll be much less intense about everything. At least, that's the plan.

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