Thursday, March 5, 2009

10w2d, Appointment ETA 7 days

Nope, my appointment isn't here yet. It has been forever-ish, like running a marathon through a foot of cold peanutbutter.  I've stocked up plenty of comp-time to make next Thursday a half day. Now, it just has to get here.  I really should've saved up some of that patience I squandered during various two week waits.

Anyway, there are far worse things. :)

One kind of disturbing thing today was an uncomfortable dizzy spell I had at work.  I haven't had an issue like that in years.  Though I used to let my blood sugar get a little low occasonally in my late teens/early 20s.  

We were watching a copy machine demo, in a crowded stuffy hot room, no chairs. I tried shifting my weight, marching in place, bending my knees, popping a vitamin C drop, but I could feel the room closing in and my vision was getting sparkly.  I discreetly scooted out into the hall and around the corner where I found a comfy chair to rest in, and made like I was making some notes.  When I felt well enough, I visited the drinking fountain down the hall, used the restroom, and took another drink.  I rejoined the gathering feeling much better.

I need to remind myself to eat more protein I spose.  I had a stick of cheese with lunch, and there were some legumes in my soup, but probably not nearly enough.  I'll have to fix that for tomorrow.

Now, its off to my Yoga/Pilates class. I'm definitely going to take it easy.


Mrs. Spit said...

I had some instances about 16 weeks - quite similar. Just skipped lunch, and my body was no longer tolerant of that!

Glad to hear that things are going well otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you took care of your dizzy spell before you passed out in the meeting room...that would have been fun to explain!

Eat up, girlie!! :-)

Anonymous said...

"I tried shifting my weight, marching in place..."

The marching in place part made me LOL... I pictured you in a marching band outfit swinging your arms at your sides as you marched in place while everyone else watched the demo like it was completely normal...

To A T said...

Eek! Remind me to stay away from stuffy meeting rooms. That sounds terrible! I'm glad you were able to slip out though :)

Like Candi- LOL at "marching in place" I could just picture myself doing that and people would really think I was off my rocker LOL