Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Nerdy PG-Free Post

So, I've been hoping to spend some quality time with CivIV:BTS (a turn-based strategy game on the computer).  But, as I've mentioned before, my computer keeps crashing. I've always been suspicious about the temperature, which is why I run with my case off.

Today I finally installed some software to monitor my CPU temp, and fired up Civ.  Sure enough, after ~20 minutes the screen froze.

I restarted and checked the log to see 94 degrees CELSIUS (over 200 degrees F for my fellow Americans). Were it not for all of the electrons floating around, I could nearly use my cpu to boil water. No wonder my system hasn't been stable. 

Now, what to do about it...  
A. Give up on Civ
B. Get an extension cord so I can plug in an external fan to blow on my computer.
C. Surf around for a more uber cooling system for my poor CPU.  If COMP-USA was still here I'd just go pick one up... I really liked shopping with them for parts because I knew I could take things back without shipping them.

I guess I'll do A until I can do B and then if B doesn't solve it or come summer time when I'm sure it will be more of an issue I'll try C.

I'm getting close to being in the market for a new computer, a laptop this time, but alas... I am waiting for Windows 7.  In the words of micro$oft, I'm a PC.  I'm a PC because that's what I've always used, because that's what I use at work, because I have an unnatural right-click attachment, and because Linux is not mainstream enough just yet. 

While I'm doing A, I guess I'll do more reading.  A coworker gave me a book called Islandia, perhaps I'll like it. I really haven't been picky about reading material lately, so I'm hopeful.


Anonymous said...

I desperately need a new computer! I bought a stupid necklace instead... *sigh*

To A T said...

Sadness about your computer :( My laptop is on it's way out too and I am HOPING Batman notices it before bean arrives, otherwise there will be no new computer for a very, VERY long time :(

Hopefully B will help make it last a little longer!