Monday, December 29, 2008

Foiled by Dreams

Here I am with firm intentions and well-laid plans to NOT think about TTC stuff this cycle.  Yet, for the past two nights I have been dreaming about babies...  other people's babies.  

I can't remember the one from night before last, but last night... oh man... Somehow I agreed to volunteer to work at an infant daycare. It involved lots of holding and feeding babies of the extremely cute variety.  I woke up this morning full of that empty feeling of wanting to be a mother.  Its time to regroup, and sign up for that yoga/pilates class.

It is also time to honor my family's post-Christmas tradition.  My grandmother firmly believed it was bad luck to let your Christmas decorations see the New Year.  My mom is going to be extra vigilant about it this year. Last year she was not so vigilant.  The annual total amounts to a broken foot from a falling television, and a totalled car after an encounter with a negligently-driven semi truck.  She has since recovered, with a nice newer 4wd vehicle.  But, hesitates to invite any catastrophes for 2009.


Mrs. Spit said...

Those are hard dreams, I hope you get some peace too.

Anonymous said...

I always take my decorations down the day after Christmas... but that's only because I'm sick of looking at Christmas stuff! lol

To A T said...

I can totally relate with your crazy baby dreams! Nearly every month I have baby dreams, BFP dreams, etc... they suck!! Someday though they will be about your own baby :) I just know it!!!

I should have read your theory earlier because ALL of my Christmas stuff is still up
( I have been HORRIBLY sick for the last week!) and probably won't come down for at least another 5 days or so... hm... something to consider for next year!