Thursday, December 4, 2008

I still live

Here I am, alive! I guess there hasn't been much news on the TTC front. Mostly, I have had some extremely busy weeks at home and at werk. We had a federal funding period to get ready for, but now that has blown over I'm much less stressed.

Its just in time for O and BD. I'm not sure I've O'd just yet, my temps are still lowish but I've gotten progressively darker lines on the OPK. If I had to guess, I'm O'ing nowish and my temp will spike tomorrow morn.

I'm crossing my crossables and feeling various shades of hopeful. I'm also piloting extreme quantities of hamsters through the air. I'm addicted, my longest flight was over 300 feet.

I'm about halfway through Wicked. I was expecting something a bit more congruous with the Wizard of Oz. The adult content threw me at first. Once I wrapped my brain around Wicked on its own merits I've been enjoying it much more.

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