Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tagged - 7 Random Things

I was tagged by To A T! Thanks for the tag T! :)

So, here are some random things...

1. I collect small containers for saving seeds in. I have altoids containers, spice containers, little make-up jars, pill bottles, tiny ziplock bags, etc. I would have to say my favorites for small seeds are the little plastic SD card holders. I probably have enough containers to last the rest of my life! Yet, it is still hard to toss out any potential candidates.

2. IMNSHO, The Flight of the Hamsters game is THE BEST single-click game ever. If you want to waste time, CLICKY. My top single flight is around 600, DH's is over 1000! The secret: try to stay level, and avoid big bounces.

3. I have a soap phobia. Anything that is washed MUST be rinsed THOROUGHLY or else it will make me feel ill. When I was little hearing threats toward my cousins of having their mouths washed out with soap seemed to me a fate worse than death. Even when I was older, it took me a while before I was willing to wash cuts with soap and water. It was peroxide or nothin! I've relaxed a bit over the years.

4. I <3 soup. Seriously, I could eat soup every single day. That is the one bright spot of these bitterly cold temps we've been having. Its superb soup weather! Minestrone is my favorite, but I enjoy all kinds. I never met a soup I didn't like. OTOH, DH doesn't like soup at all. So, I eat it for lunch at work every day. :)

5. I finally switched us over from using paper towels as napkins, to using real napkins! It makes me feel less wasteful, and I enjoy using them more anyway.

6. I received a very nice very thankful email from a parent the other day. She'd been struggling to get some assistive technology going in the classroom for her child, and she was very appreciative of my efforts to move things along. It made me feel warm and fuzzy. :)

7. I recently learned that an old friend is pregnant, and quite far along. I'm trying to process it in a graceful manner. AF is due any minute, and has threatened with some spotting. My temps are still up, which amounts to a sliver of hope. But... it would be so much easier if... I even had brief visions of us reconnecting over the subject of motherhood.

Anyone I might even think of tagging has already been tagged. So, I tag anyone who has felt left out, or read a list of tagged bloggers hoping to see their name and coming up empty.

1 comment:

To A T said...

Just out of curiosity- what do you do with all the seeds? Are they for a garden?

I really hope AF stays away for good!