Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Seed Sharing

I have created my seed inventory spreadsheet!  It may seem obsessive but it will help me plant on time, and assist in deciding what seeds to buy for the coming year. 

The spreadsheet is on Google Docs, so I can share it with you! If you are interested in any of the seeds I'm happy to share as long as my listed quantity is more than "handful".  By handful, I mean 12 seeds or less, so I probably can't part with those.

I still have about half of my seeds left to enter, so that's why tomatoes aren't on the list yet. :)

1 comment:

To A T said...

I would so take you up on this offer... if I didn't have a BLACK and I do mean pitch, dark, black thumb... seriously I kill everything! I would kill an air fern! LOL :)

GL this year with your seeds though! I hope you have a bountiful crop!