Friday, February 20, 2009

Nothing Tragic

I tried to call this morning at 10 minutes after the office opened, but they still had their morning answering message up.  The spotting had become lighter and browner, and I became less worried as a result.

I didn't get a chance to call back until after work.  I was waylaid by various tasks (like the state wanting a sudden necessary revision to one of our vital forms, sigh) and had no sure opportunity for a private phone call.

I called in from my car after work, and received a call back from a nurse just a few minutes ago.  As expected, no need to rush me in. I'm one of 30% who have spotting, and the nurse recommended pelvic rest.  That's fine by me, I could probably use a break. :p  The spotting is barely noticable now, for that I am quite thankful.

So, to change the subject, its time for me to navel-gaze about my diet...  I eat fairly well for breakfast and lunch.  Breakfast is typically either oatmeal w/milk, or yogurt with berries and granola.  My snack is typically fruit, sometimes w/peanut butter.  Lunch is usually soup (lentil, bean, chicken, etc) or salad (shrimp or tuna), sometimes with some cheese.  I have cheese or nuts for a snack when I come home. But, dinner really does me in.  I come home exhausted, and cooking nourishing fare feels like too much work. Hence, tonight we're feasting on corndogs.   Prior nights have involved fast food. 

Part of me pats myself on the back for eschewing caffeine, alcohol, etc. and eating a varied diet.  The other part of me beleagures my sugar, salt, and fat intake.  There's a long list of foods to avoid that I was given by the nurse.  I think I've eaten almost all of them!  However, corn dogs were not on the list. :p


Mrs. Spit said...

So glad it's nothing.

I was like that, totally wiped. What about one of those meal places that you spend the money, and they give you cooked meals for a week. They are usually heat and serve, you can often get them delivered to your door, and they are pretty healthy?

Anonymous said...

So glad everything is going smoothly and that your spotting was nothing to worry about! Have you gotten your b/w results back yet?

As far as the dinner thing, this whole "eating right" thing is one of the biggest worrries I have about getting preggers one day. But if you are eating a great breakfast, lunch and snacks (which it sounds like you are...), then I really don't think you should worry too much about dinner. I mean, look at all the horrible things our parents and grandparents did when they were pregnant and we all turned out fine! :-) However, mrs. spit's suggestion is a good one!

The Quarke Family said...

Glad to hear it's nothing to worry about. I'm one of the 30% too, and since that initial spotting episode things have been A-Ok for me, and I'm sure the same will be true for you.
Don't worry too much about the food - I was grateful to be able to eat ANYTHING some days, and if that was a McChicken meal, that was fine. Babies are incredibly good at getting what they need from you, and if you're taking a supplement too ... s/he'll be fine. If anything, your body might suffer a little, but it sounds like you have a really good diet.
Good luck!

To A T said...

I'm so happy to hear the spotting has all but stopped! I know exactly the freak out that you must have had! Eek!!

As far as the eating thing goes, I think if you are keeping it to dinner, you are still doing pretty well. I do really well during the week, but weekends, everything is fair game LOL Maybe you could make a pact with yourself to limit it to one meal a week or maybe just a couple "bad" meals a week?
I've been thinking about making some casseroles on a weekend that just need to be put in the oven when I get home so I can bypass all the prep work... hmm... maybe you could try it FOR me and let me know if that works ;-)