Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Week Nine

All's well!  I have been totally ravenous, I've also had a bit of constipation. Neither of which has been unmanageable.

My diet has improved.  I've stocked up on spinach, berries, veggies, rice cakes, and some of the easier-to-prepare meals that are healthy. It also helped that DH made the kitchen a glorious shiny place to cook in.  The biggest factor may be the naps I've been allowing myself every day after work. The post-lunch slump is murder, but after my nap I feel much more alive.

Last night I had a dream that word slipped out that I was expecting. I couldn't even remember the details or who found out or how or what I felt about it.  But, I do kinda fear someone pointing a finger at me every time I turn around. :p  

I have suspicions that a coworker might have found my blog. He's been taking a sudden interest in my work.  He happens to be the person most likely to cover for me during leave...  he's rather discreet so it wouldn't be a big deal. But, its probably all in my head anyway. :)  

Two weeks two days until ultrasound! I have been thinking about it a dozen times a day, easily. I'd pass more time with Civ, except my computer keeps overheating and crashing.  It used to just crash when I kept the case on...  I need to point a fan at it, but our frightening mess of power strips has no opening.

I have yoga tonight and Thursday, then my class is over.  So, I bought a prenatal yoga DVD on Amazon.  I also picked up 4 prenatal books from the library. The lady behind the counter gave me some wierd looks... maybe because I look young for my age. Maybe because she thinks I won't be able to finish them before they are due. *shrugs*


To A T said...

Good work on the diet :) I need to eat less CHEESE! LOL

GL with the yoga too! I need to invest in some DVDS. Let me know how yours is :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are feeling good and you've worked out your "eating dilemmas"! :-)
Must be something in the air with husbands and kitchens, since mine cleaned our kitchen last night, too. Weird!

Anonymous said...

Two weeks seems so far away. I can't wait to see the pictures of your little bean! :)

Anonymous said...

Oooh! I can't wait til your u/s!!! I'll be looking for an update! :)