Thursday, July 3, 2008

Well, nevermind...

My pee sticks arrived in the mail yesterday. I spent several hours agonizing over whether I should wait until the next morning to catch the higher hormone concentrations. DH, always playing devil's advocate, urged me to go for it. I'm a sucker and I did.

So I skipped into the bathroom to experience, for the very first time, the joys of uniting urine with stick... Alas, I quickly realized it was moot. While I haven't started my period in full, the cramping and spotting is unmistakable. Thus, I proceeded to down a couple of glasses of wine and an ibuprofen.

I'm of several minds about this. We weren't "scheduled" to get pregnant until next cycle anyway. So, by what rights do I have to be disappointed? I suppose I'm more anxious than disappointed. If I was pregnant already, that (maybe) irrational question: Can I get pregnant? ...would be out of my head for good. Now, it still lingers.

I think DH is more disappointed than I am. He said last night that he's been ready for months. What a sweety!

Positive things about not being pregnant yet:
1. Better timetable (allowing maternity leave to get closer to my summer break)
2. We will get to enjoy some honest to goodness babymaking, take that fundies! ;)
3. Alcohol, deli meats, allergy pills, and occasional caffeine
4. Truthfully being able to tell people I'm not pregnant yet, instead of feeling like I just might be a liar.

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